We invite you to visit our website
Website Manager Gary Green Dioxin Sufferer
We provide for the people of New Zealand the web site dioxinnz.com which is dedicated to a social cause which has impacted many people in New Zealand.
We provide this site as a single window to allow the people of NZ access to information and services freely and with ease; as we champion the cause of those whom have been exposed to misadventure by no choice of their own.
Dioxinnz.com is dedicated to a social cause which has impacted many people in New Zealand. We provide this site as a single window to allow the people of NZ access to information and services freely and with ease; as we champion the cause of those whom have been exposed to misadventure by no choice of their own.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Let Us Spray
After viewing via internet
“Let Us Spray”
The confronting and awful reality of what has happened in New Plymouth in regards to dioxin poisoning is indelibly clear.
The clarity that we all have experienced; continual denial to recognition and recompense and medical assistance as sufferers of dioxin poisoning was undeniable
The name of our site is www.dioxinnz.com
I would truly appreciate your assistance in bringing the awareness of this site to the people of New Zealand.
We Invite You to Financially Support the Efforts : Donate Here
“Let Us Spray”
The confronting and awful reality of what has happened in New Plymouth in regards to dioxin poisoning is indelibly clear.
My name is Gary Green and on several occasions I appear in this documentary as a sufferer from dioxin poisoning caused from airborne exposure whilst working in close proximity to a herbicide manufacturing plant for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, when we lived in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
As I watched this documentary my heart was torn and on several occasions quite tearful as I viewed the traumatic struggles and medical impacts of others affected by Dioxin exposure.
The clarity that we all have experienced; continual denial to recognition and recompense and medical assistance as sufferers of dioxin poisoning was undeniable
To give you insight of what a sufferer must endure I have chosen to point out I am personally in the process of claiming ACC the claim was lodged 19th October 2005 and received an outcome of that claim 12th July 2006 “claim for cover is declined “, we have engaged a Barrister to pursue a fair and just settlement in the high courts for our appeal against the denial of ACC. Our appeal was a 3000 page plus document addressing every point ACC. used to deny us a rightful claim. "2014" The claim is now in appeal at the High Courts of New Zealand awaiting a determination
I would ask the people of New Zealand to unit with us and become a single coherent voice which plainly shows the will of the people concerning this issue.
As part of my efforts personally to lift the awareness of what has happened in New Plymouth I set up a website to provide a single web portal for the people of New Zealand to have access to which provides all the information which has been scattered in multiple websites worldwide.
The name of our site is www.dioxinnz.com
I would truly appreciate your assistance in bringing the awareness of this site to the people of New Zealand.
We Invite You to Financially Support the Efforts : Donate Here
That entire effort of Dioxinnz.com has been possible by actual sufferers of dioxin poisoning who are on pensions giving towards costs to exist.
We would ask for the people of New Zealand to rally around us in our campaign to get recognition and a fair and just settlement; and medical treatment
Your donations will enable us to continue the campaign and keep the website dioxinnz.com online.
And will also enable us to increase intensity of bringing the current incumbent Government to a place where they accept the realities of what has happened and begin to take care of those whom have become victims of industrial misadventure.
EDITED 22/02/2014
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