Sunday, September 14, 2014

Long-awaited dioxins report released; EPA says low doses risky but most people safe — Environmental Health News

Report released; EPA says low doses risky but most? people safe? — Environmental Health News

Dioxins have been called the most toxic of all man-made chemicals, based on animal studies that show effects at extremely low doses – in the parts per trillion.Nevertheless, the EPA said that people's exposures have declined so much in the past two decades that most people are safe. "Today’s findings show that generally, over a person’s lifetime, current exposure to dioxins does not pose a significant health risk," EPA officials said.
One scientist who studies dioxins, Arnold Schecter of University of Texas School of Public Health, questioned that statement, calling it "very odd," because some people are more highly exposed than average and some groups, such as fetuses and nursing babies, are more sensitive to the effects.

Full article Here
Environmental Health News
February 17, 2012

Veteran grapples with long term affects of Agent Orange

Members with Vietnam Veterans of America said they hoped an event on Sept. 13 would raise awareness about veterans impacted by Agent Orange.

The event will be held Sept. 13 at United Steelworkers of America on East Trent in Spokane Valley.
Veterans and their families are invited from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. 

According to Vietnam Veterans of America, 18 birth defects have been connected to Agent Orange exposure.  Members said 22 presumptive diseases have also been caused by Agent Orange.

Raymond said his problems began when he was serving in Vietnam.
"Tingling sensations in my hands, and my feet, and my face. It didn't seem very normal to me. So, when I went to see the doc, he told me, 'You need to take some salt tablets because you're dehydrated.'"
Raymond said he now knows he has a rare form of blood cancer. 

He noted he also suffers from diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, and peripheral neuropathy. 
"We have some evidence that we can use to show legislators that, yes, there is a problem!" Raymond said.

Dioxin - DuPont A Fox given charge over the Hen House

The DuPont plant in DeLisle: Fox given charge over the Hen House

Mississippi has been releasing large amounts of dioxin and heavy metals for nearly 20 years. This film explores health problems being experienced by residents and former workers, and evidence that oysters in the area exported for sale around the U.S. have been contaminated by DuPont's poisonous discharges. About 2,000 people have filed lawsuits against DuPont alleging pollution from this facility has harmed their health.